Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Costa Rica: Getting Here

4:40am. A little early after the insane weekend I had but I rolled out of bed grabbed my pack and headed to the flyaway. Once at the airport I met up with Hannah and we boarded our flight.
Surprisingly small and with no entertainment! Gasp. Thought we were going to old school it until they gave us the choice to rent an iPad with loaded movies. So rent we did.
Watched Zootopia.
So cute. 
Landed in San Jose. Waited forever for our bags and they never came off.
They've lost my luggage multiple times before so panic started to set in since this was the first time I didn't have a back up carry on! 
Then we decided to check around the other carousels and long behold our bags were in the middle of the floor. 
Now to find money. 
First ATM didn't work. 
Second ATM was out of order.
Third ATM we pulled out American bills on accident.
Waiting in line to exchange.
Now to find the public bus.
Talk to nice man.
Locate bus.
Get on bus and cram in seats with two huge backpacks on top of us. 
Ride for an hour and a half to arrive in San Jose. Haggle the cabs for a good price.
Arrive at hostel. 
Find food.
No carne. No pollo. 
Just bring me something Bueno.
Explore local grocery store.
Find water.
Find fruit. 
Ear plugs.
Eye mask.
Horrible bed.

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