Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Playa De Coco

This morning we left Monte Verde at 5am, that was early. Hence no photos. We then traveled by bus 2 hours and got off literally at a road junction. 
We sat on a makeshift bech under a mango tree and all around us were rotting mangoes. Mangos. ? Es or s anyway. Imagine the bugs and the smell. Now do it times two. About 40 min later a bus came and we got on that to Liberia. A few more hours later we arrive. At the bus station we find that we need to go to another bus station. Luckily a man overheard me and my broken Spanish and showed us where to go. I am always blessed with guardian angkes when traveling. It's so nice. 
Then we get on yet again another bus and travel an hour to Playa De Coco.
It's beautiful! This is right infront of our hotel. I'm staring at it right now while laying on an amazing outdoor bed. I decided when booking this trip that by this time I would need a break from the cheap hostels so hotel on the beach it is. 
This is our cute hotel: I am currently on the second floor patio. 
The view. A thunderstorm is rolling in. Should be fun to watch. But the beach brings rain and major humidity! When we first arrived we were so hot and tired we threw on our suits and raced to the water. It's perfect. Warm, and soft sand. There are cold and hot pockets in the water which is pretty nice. I then went and booked a double dive for tomorrow! Woohoo! So excited! Then we relaxed on the beach. After we headed to the grocery store. I decided to say goodbye to Hannahs college budget and hello to my working professional budget. Fresh smoothies and Subway, loaded with  veggies. I think I will be having these fresh smoothies every day. After that it was baby bell and Greek yogurt. Time to treat myself 😂. Yes, my appetite is coming back! 
This place is awesome and so relaxing. However... Today on the bus my bug spray fell out of my backpack. My nice bug spray. So now I only have the crappy back up one and guess what... Just got out of the shower and noticed my back has been eaten alive! I forgot to spray back there! I also wish I had my aerosol can! That stuff is pricey, I now have a pump one that sprays giants streams of stinking liquid. Further, is it even good to out that on your day on and day out for a month? What is a natural repellent? Wish I had brought some long sleeves.
Ah! It is down pouring! 
I wish it hurt when a mosquito bit you so you knew it was happening. They are silent Devils. Now I'm 8x more likely to have Zika. 😱
One more thing. Did I tell you about the bandaid ripping off my skin on the death hike: 
My foot hurts! 
Until tomorrow. ✌🏻️

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