Sunday, June 19, 2016

Monteverde: A Day In The Clouds

Today we walked on clouds. We walked on the top of the world. No, really. 
After breakfast we headed to Selvatura park which is full of hanging bridges. 8 to be exact. We climbed through the rainforest and awed at the natural beauty. 
The bridges were slightly scary. Especially when someone wiggled them, they were indeed high. But as Hannah said the higher the better bc if they break at least we know we are dead and not stuck half broken in a river. Amen.
We met this cute girl named Becky from New York and did the 1.5 hour hike with her. My fit bit was throwing a party on my wrist super early today. No problem hitting 10k this morning. 
Some of the bridges were ontop of the canopy and others like this, through the canopy. By the way I haven't had sugar in 8 days. Costa Rica is going to cleanse me of Americans sugar addiction. Though, I really want some chocolate right now. Hey, at least my appetite is coming back!
After this we walked to the cloud forest: Santa Elena Reserve. 
Almost stepped on this guy. Insane caterpillar! We did an hour hike through intense lush rainforest. Everything was green, huge leaves, miss everwhere, vines, trees growing in Trees and plants on those trees. 
It was beautiful! We then hit this look out point and had to climb this metal tower. 
Then a little ladder through a hole to a platform. Slightly freaky. 
But I made it! The view was great:
Pictures don't do justice. 
Spending the day in the rainforest was awesome! The weather was perfect! 
Then we came back and made dinner. Scrambled some eggs and made a skillet of onions, black beans, peppers, and beets. I know it's a weird combination but it was the cheapest of everything and I needed vegetables. Hey it's dinner for $2 in a very expensive place! Costa Rica ain't cheap! 

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