Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Costa Rica: Travel Day 2

Today is another day of travel. The negative of our hostel is only 2 bathrooms for the whole place and no hot water. After attempting to snag the open bathroom and failing for half an hour I camped outside, in wait. 
Then a morning walk to kill time. 
Broken Spanish.
Bus station.
Check this out. No judgement. It's hot. Humid. And that pack weighs a ton. But this is proof for all you naysayers. 
Beautiful views. 
Bless my heart, they recycle. 
Current status: on the bus to La Fortuna.
Approximate time on aforementioned bus: mas or meƱos 3 hours. 
4.5 hours later we roll into this view: 
Wowza! Beautiful! 
The bus ride was long but I got in a good chunk of my audio book and a lot of head bob sleeping. The views were incredible. This place reminds me of Fiji. 
It is so lush! I'll post all the photos on Facebook. 
Guys. It's humid. There might not be too many photos of my face. 
The money is so pretty! 

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