Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Diving with Sharks

Today I dove. Not going to lie I was nervous! I have not dove since Fiji, 2 summers ago. There were 8 of us diving and I was partnered with the master diver who was so kind and held my hand literally. So we are on the little boat and go out about 15 minutes, and then the boat starts to rock. Of course the sea sickness sets in... The one time I don't have Dramamine in my purse. Gear up, including the horrific wetsuit. Have you ever worn a wet suit? They stink. By the way everything is currently moving right now even though I'm on solid ground. Okay so, gear up and fall in. As we decend I can't sink. My instructor leaves me on the rope and surfaces to get me more weights. No problem now, I swear he attached an anchor to me. Sank just fine. He held my hand for the first 15 minutes of the dive. What was crazy were the swells. You know in the movie Finding Nemo where the turtles are riding the current? Yeah. It was like that. We would just get taken along, then pushed back, then a warm current would come in, then a freezing cold one. It was interesting. Okay for first time down we saw lots of rays. All sorts of them! There was a crazy lobster. The neatest thing I saw by far were the octopi. Octopi? Anyway the octopus was unreal! You couldn't see it at all on these red rocks then the instructor touched it. Bam it saw away turning an electric blue. Then it landed on a yellowish rock and bam it wa a yellow. I was amazed! I've never seen anything camouflage like that before and to see a living thing change to three different colors in a minute! Everytime he found an octopus I was amazed! You need to google it. The second dive we went on the first thing we saw were sharks. Decend. Bam, 3 white tipped reef sharks.  Then huge eels. Like huuuge. Also some small ones. Tons of fish on both dives. At least 20 different species. The puffer fish were beautiful. The visibility was okay. Nothing like Fiji but decent. There wAs also a small sunken ship. Anyway. What an experience! 
Then I came back and swam with Hannah and had some beach time.
The mosquitos here are horrible! My back and back of my arms has been attacked. Also my ankle and parts of my legs. Hannah met this boy and he is COVERED in bites. Hundreds. I've never seen anything like it. Apparently mosquitos are attracted to certain a people's bacteria and scents. Great, they love me. Also they target you from 50yrd away. I'm a walking mosquito feeder. 
Glad I can be of service.
My mom messaged me saying glad I was going to look extra nice for JW. Great, especially since those bites takes weeks to heal. 
I just got back from the smoothie shop. This time fruit and beets with some protein powder. 
Beets make the most beautiful color! There will be not many photos of me in the coming time since I'm not a beach person. You know how some girls go to the beach and their hair naturally waves, their skin glows, and they have that beach look? Yeah. No. I'm the one who looks like the beach attacked me. Not something I was blessed with. I am freaked out about these mosquitos and having to live with them for the next week and a half. I miss the mountains already. 
On another note the appetite is back!
Also I bought shampoo. I really hope it helps the hair situation. It was a lot do am fingers crossed. 
Okay back to relaxing. 
Oh I should mention I almost got hit by a boat. Did I also mention the crow who attacked my head yesterday? I was walking down the beach and literally it open clawed grabbed my skull. Ok so tee were making our accent on the second dive and I start going up. Next thing I know my dive master is grabbing my leg pulling me down and someone is pushing me from the shoulders. Really quickly, I look up and a boat is right there. Apparently it was a close call bc when we surfaced my dive master started yelling at the boat captain, like a lot. Then he was telling the others in our boat about it, all in Spanish but phew. Another thing. I physically felt someone shove my shoulders down as he grabbed me from below but I'm not sure if there was another diver above me.... Guess I'll never know but I'm glad I want sucked into a propeller today. 

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