Sunday, June 12, 2016

New Mexico.

School ended at 12:15 on Wednesday June 8. I then boarded a plane at 7:30 and headed to New Mexico, the land of enchantment, and enchanted I was. Not just by the land but by the really cute guy I went to meet. See his face below.

How does one meet a handsome man in NM? The world wide interweb. Don't cringe, it's not that weird. According to eharmony 1 in 4 are doing it these days. So. The basics.
His name is Jeremy. He has a doctorate in physical therapy. Sexy, I know. He has a kind heart, so many skills, has a million and one hidden talents. But, since this is a travel blog and I am about to get all sappy let's focus on the travel.
He planned out a majorly fun 3 days and served as the most excellent tour guide.

Down town Albuquerque. I love the bright vibrant colors and adobe buildings. There is such charm to this area.

Sandia Crest- the most insanely beautiful sunsets. The drive up here is incredible by the way. Lush green trees, long grasses, and wild flowers. I need to go back for a picnic.

And really cool views of storms.

It really helped being able to watch and see all of it with this cutie by my side, even if we were freezing! Yes, it was windy. And yes, I have a head cold. I was and still am battling it, lucky for me that right there is a very patient guy.

Hiking tent rocks. Talk about mother nature showing off with amazing forms.

Going through these slot canyons on the way to the view of tent rocks was awesome! It also provided lots of shade which was a great relief from the 100 degree weather. The hike was fairly simple until the last little bit in which it turned to some steep climbing. Wearing black probably wasn't the best of ideas. Luckily J was prepared with a camel back and snacks. Snacks I love by the way, dried mangoes and trail mix. Mmmm. 

Santa Fe is full of artwork. Got to try the famous green chiles. Went Christmas style with red and green chile on my enchilada and tamale. Had sopapilla with honey butter and honey. So good. Explored the capital building. Walked along a cute river. Wandered through art galleries and artsy streets. Walked through old churches.

I even got an amazing sunset when I left. The clouds are so beautiful.

Let me tell you when a guy eats anything, and will eat hummus with me on a picnic. My heart skips a beat. When he comes into the airport to get you with flowers that he texted your best friend to find out which ones you like... yeah. Too flippn' cute. Hand holding, door opening, letting you go first, the little things all add up to one happy girl.
NM was a beautiful place full of natural beauty and the beauty of one very special soul.

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