Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Lithuanian Halloween... Times Three

Yesterday was my first Halloween Party, Lithuanian Style. Actually if it was Lithuanian style it would be non existent because they don't celebrate Halloweeb here at all. My mother would be sad seeing as how this is her favorite holiday. Anyway, we leave tomorrow for our huge vacation which is why we are celebrating so early. 
Anyway party time. 

First: Inform students and hope they come in costume. Then frantically try and make yourself a costume from what's in the house and school. Pirate it is. Also have extra costumes for kids who don't show up.
Second: Get ready. I arrive to school very early and begin to reorganize all the furniture in the room, decorate, get touch tanks ready, etc etc. 2:45 a lady comes and posts a sign on my door which apparently says teacher conferences will be at 6pm here. Smack. Dab. In the middle of my party. What now? Thank goodness for Rosie who after already helping me helps me move everything to a new room, re set up everything and then out the old room back together all in time for my level two kids to arrive. That is not how I would have wanted to start but oh well. 
Third: Children. What's a party without twenty children? This part was a little difficult because they didn't really want to listen and speaking in lithuanian, Russian and Polish were all more desirable than English to them. Frustrating to the English teacher lol. But only a few were sick and only one didn't have a costume. They were dresses so cute. 
Fourth: games and activities. Donuts on a string but they don't have donuts here so how about the hard bagel things they eat. Perfect.
Oh and add in one kid from the little classes who showed up in costume on the wrong day. 
Now some minute to win it games. Complete with downloaded videos from the show to introduce the game.
Cookie face. Followed by stack it
Then some pumpkin carving.

And of course teaching them thriller in memory of Alina and all our fifth grade amazing parties. 
And guess what? I get to do it all over again today. Here we go....

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