Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Only Thought I Have is... Random

  1. 1.
    made, done, or happening without method or conscious decision.
    "apparently random violence"

  2. 2.
    odd, unusual, or unexpected.
    "the class was hard but he was so random that it was always fun"

Random. That's what's up. <---- Is that legit? I don't know it just looks funny. Anyway, guess it goes with my awesome random post. Seriously though, look at this carrot. 

That is my entire forearm. My ENTIRE forearm. Look at your forearm and now imagine my carrot there. Also please compare the girth of the carrot. Most people would not get so excited about something as simple as a HUGE carrot. Right now I wish I had Shipow here to give me a much better word that huge. Since she is not here I will Google it. Hold on.  
informaljumbomegamonsterwhopping,whopping great, thumping, thumping great, humongoushulkingbumper,almightyastronomical,

My whopping, thumping, astronomically bumper carrot rocks! 
Really though. I needed carrots so that I could roast them with some other veggies in a dire attempt to get some veggies into my body. So there I am walking through the grocery store (usually the market but today we needed things for school) and I happen upon the carrots. They are misshapen and funny to begin with so naturally I look for the oddest ones. Who wouldn't. And then it happened. I saw it. The colossal, cosmic, mega, monster. Of course I picked it and couldn't wait to get it home. This was going to be awesome. Not only will I need just 1 carrot for the full recipe but if a burglar happens to come into our home I can use my club to knock him senseless. Really, this could happen. The other day we were sitting in our apartment and no joke the door opened. Mikele is sitting in the living room and looking straight into the hall doorway. I am in the kitchen. No one is supposed to be coming over and then I hear Mikele say hello? Of course I stay silent in case I need to karate kick the hell outta the stranger. Silently I ninja my way to the knife drawer, pull out the biggest knife which truly is puny and stand behind the door in my half crouch waiting to strike. Anyway turns out that was a confused old man who after walking in stared, turned around and left. 
My carrot would have knocked him out. 

This happen today:

Why? Well, you were warned with the title of the post. Random. I even gave you a definition. I could blame it on living with a bunch of 18 year olds, but really, not only is that false but it was my idea. Young at heart? Sure, let's go with that. 
Why am I dressed like that? Why are we in leaves? Well the leaves part is easy to clarify. Leaves. Come on now. Fall. I love fall. I love leaves and we don't have a lot of leaves at my house so of course I want to play in them. The outfit. There is no excuse. I was in my leggingins and sweater because it is cold in this concrete box in which I live when Mikele said let's go to the market. I couldn't decide if I should put on my school clothes yet but I also didn't want to wear the high heel black boots that match. This is how the rain boots started. So I get the community rain boots and now I am in rain boots, leggings and a sweater. I need some kind of pants. My skirt is wrinkled. My other skirt is white and blue and black stripes which totally doesn't go with the rest of this outfit. Therefore I choose shorts. Really? Not only are they terrible shorts but who does that. It was my only option, I plead. At that point you mind as well, mine as well, what words am I supposed to use here? Well I added the oh so lovely head warmer to keep my ears warm and a brown purse because of course that matches too. What to do at this point? Convince another girl to look equally as special. Hence Hannah.

P.S. I haven't shaved in 2 weeks. That's a whole nother story. I'm going to go with added warmth needed.

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