Sunday, October 12, 2014


Our ferry got back from Finland at 10:30 pm and by the time we got to the hostel at 11pm we were greeted with a sign that says we will be back at 23:15. After trying to do math on a brain that hasn't slept in days and a body that is screaming from non stop exercise we realized that was 11:15 so we waited and waited. Finally the lady came back and we got to go to our room. The bathroom smelled like rotten sewage. Like so bad I literally gagged when I walked in. Then I took toilet paper and clogged my nostrils to the best of my ability so I could wash my face. Seriously though I don't think you understand how powerful this smell was. After that I crashed, hard. I didn't move again until I woke up at 9am. Had to go back to the bathroom from hell and shower finally after 48 hours which is killer for me. At 11:00 we got out of the hostel and into town. I wanted to sit on this duck and then I got an epic photo bomb
The first stop was the Kiek de in kök bastion for the tunnels tour. We got to go underground and clb through these tunnels.
Here are some
Notes I took:
Suomen linna

Paige paid me 20 e
Hannah owes me 10e 5e 1e

Kiel in de kök bastion tunnels 
- 300 year old steps- the tunnels were street level they built them and then put the soil on top. 10-18 meters of soil on top
- the wall is 2m thick and a tomb like structure
- old fortress of the city it was built and added to as each person took over Estonia 
- they built part of these tunnels into a bomb shelter and then a nuclear war fall out shelter which is why the floors are flattened and the walls are concrete in some places 
- they had to pump out water and take out stones to repair it 
-part of the tunnels got occupied with bats and cave spiders so they had to turn off the lights and close that part to the public bc bats are protected species the spiders are 7-9 cm long 
-at one point squatters lived down here and they would light fires and then die from the lack of ventilation
-during soviet times it was equipped with food and supplies for emergencies 
-as se electricians were installing wire they dropped everything and ran they said they saw a ghost and would never again enter 
- the punks aka run away teens who lived here also said they saw this ghost 
-during WWII in one night 1/3 of tallin was destroyed almost 700 were killed and 700 injured and 200 missing bc they went in the basement and weren't able to be dug out 
- the city was a blaze 
- this place had 1,000 people down here and it was supposed to have only 600 in it. 
I dropped my phone in the tunnels and then my camera wasn't working and it was freaking me out. It scared me so much that my camera wasn't working. I prayed like crazy, reset it, turned it off, nothing. Thirty minutes later it started to work again. Thank goodness. 
After the tunnels tour we got to climb the bastion and look at beautiful views. 
Up next: lunch. We went to a place on our map and it was good. Kebab style and it was the best falafel ever.
Our journey then took us around old town, walking along ancient city walls, gazing out and look out points and loving the fall colors.

We found the cutest alley! 
And devoured hot chocolate where the chocolate covered the sides of our glasses!
We also ate cake. Seriously I need to get this food thing under control. I came home from Fiji skinny and  coming home from here fat. One thing to work on.
But look how cute this place is! The ivy going from one building to the other and brightly colored seats and blankets. It was awesome!
Here are my roommates by the way:
Aren't they lovely?! So as we walked the town we kept seeing these England flags hanging all over which was odd. Then the town square was covered in drunk English men singing god bless the king at the top of their lungs. We finally asked what was going on and learned there is a futbol game tonight.

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