Monday, October 27, 2014



This place is like walking a movie set. It reminds me of being in Gothem City. Not that I've ever been in Gothem City but I swear they could film a Batman movie here.
Do you see it? Don't you feel like a movie? That or an amusement park but that was probably because of the ten billion people who decided to come to Prague with us. Seriously though, I've never been in a city with this many people. It's like being at Harry Potter world or Disneyland. 
It sure is pretty. Can't wait to get more pictures tomorrow. 
Got on a bus at 7:30 am to come here and cut it pretty close but we made it. 4.5 hours through beautiful German country so much to look at.
I love our hostel! We are in a room just the six of us with our own bathroom and it opens up to a courtyard. It's so cute!! And the bed is comfortable! 
Walking tour
We hurried into town to start a walking tour. Grabbed a quick sandwich.
Found the man with the yellow umbrella and followed him around the city for the next tree hours.
Here are some notes:
Astronomical clock
-figures move on the hour 
- then walk of the 12 apostles begins and they statues move 
- then golden chicken moves and makes some noise 
-these were added in the 1700's the clock was built in 1410 
- they blinded te clock maker and cut out his tongue and he then committed suicide by jumping into the clock and it broke the clock took 100 yrs to fix- check this story maybe the guy is nuts 

-Prague castle is more like a palace it's 70000 square meters and biggest in world 
- built over 1100 years stated in the 12th century 
- 1618 new king in Bohemia learned that 70%were Protestant and he decreed that all Protestants had to become catholic so they protested and went to the castle to negotiate but king wasn't there and instead the leaders and to meet with governors at end of day 2 people were pushed out a window and a priest. Window was 21 meters high. This triggered the 30 years war. More than 2/3 of bohemians died from this war. 

- the Jewish cemetery in the old district is huge above ground because they had to continue to burry people on top of each other bc it was the only place for them to burry their dead estimated 90,000 bodies are in that small cemetery... It's tiny 
This was a slim bc it was below water level and would flood constantly. They ended up tearing it down and rebuilding it after they raised the level of the streets it's no longer a Jewish district 
This is the clock. 
Then we found a traditional Czech place for dinner... Finally! Love. 
The rest went to the hostel but Rosie and I had a romantic dessert date.
Sitting on the streets eating apple strudels.

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