Monday, October 6, 2014

My Life... Is Incredible

Do you ever just realize how privileged and blessed you are? I have lived an amazing life and I'm only 28. I have done things that most people only dream of. My parents have provided me with opportunities that people add to their pin board. Now that I am older and can make my own opportunities in life I snatch them up!
I am lucky.
Really though.
I think about all the things I have been able to do in my life and the neat experiences I have had and I am so grateful.
I started a list awhile back like a reverse bucket list and I want to keep adding to it. Here we go.
My life rocks and the following experiences are forever memorable:

- Seeing the Eiffel tower and more importantly eating vanilla bean macaroons from La Duree, seriously though, I am obsessed with Macaroons
-Walking down Time Square in NYC and finding my ancestors on Ellis Island.
- Touring Washington DC and walking Gettysburg
- Shopping in the Mall of America seriously who get to do their back to school shopping there?!

-Flying first class to Paris nonetheless
- eating canolis in Sicily
- Swimming with dolphins in Hawaii, Although the new animals rights, environmental freak would not have done this again so thank goodness it happen a long time ago.
- Climbing glaciers in Alaska

- Swimming with sting rays on the Caman Islands
- Snorkeling with manta rays
- Going on 6 cruises- Mediterranean, Caribbean, Alaska, and Mexico x3

- zip lining in Belize and landing on platforms so small I cried
-Jumping into a waterfall in the Andes Mountains
- Being cleansed by a tribal medicine doctor in the Amazon Rain-forest

- Standing on the equator
- Walking the Inga ruins and ruins of Tulum
- Scuba Diving in Honduras and Fiji

- Being in awe every time I set foot in the crystal clear blue waters of Fiji
- Scuba diving a wreck in Fiji
- Walking the Pompeii ruins
- Shopping in local produce markets in Spain, Latvia, Lithuania, Fiji, Ecuador, etc
- Para-sailing in Mexico
- Pretending to hold up the leaning tower of Pisa

- Hopping on a plane, first time first class,  for a 24 hour experience in Harry Potter Land and man the butter beer is good
 -Zip lining through the Alaskan forest
- Walking the walls of Dubrovnik Croatia
- Graduating from college at 19
- Walking the city streets in Sweden

- Having wild monkeys jump on me at the base of the Amazon river
- Canal tours in Copenhagen
- Exploring the catacombs under Paris
- Attempting to surf at nanau-i-ra island
- swimming in the French Riviera
- horse back riding on the beaches of Mexico

- Walking through an ice castle and swimming in a crater in Midway
- Swimming through under water caves to pop up in more caves on the Yasawa islands
- snorkeling the famous Blue Lagoon
- Seeing viking ships in Norway
- Sumo wrestling in Latvia
- stacking rocks in Canada and being mesmerized by the pure beauty

- Taking a mud bath and soaking in natural hot springs in Fiji
- Flying on over 40 planes in one year
- exploring underground tunnels in Estonia - walking through an island fortress with a Finnish man in Finland
- walking through a graveyard in Poland lit with tens of thousands of candles on All Souls Day 
- walking on both sides of the Berlin Wall
- the views in Budapest
-Visiting Auschwitz

-Going 100 meters underground through old salt mines in Poland
-Fake snow and double fisting butter beer at Harry potter studio tour in London 
- cheese tasting in Amsterdam

- Walking on The Great Wall of China. Taking a ski lift up and then sliding down on a toboggan.
- Incense burning ceremony at the Lama Temple in Beijing.
- Bamboo rafting down the Li River
- Hiking and feeding wild monkeys in the Avatar mountains in Zhangjiajie
- Kung Fu and calligraphy classes in China

- Eating Baklava at every corner in Turkey
- Walking through the Hill of Crosses in Lithuania

-  African Safari
- Hiking waterfalls in Uganda
- White water rafting the Nile river

- Walking the suspension bridges in Costa Rica
- Sitting in a natural hot spring in the middle of the night in Costa Rica with candles in the roots of trees
- Seeing Sloths in their natural habitat Manuel Antonio

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