Friday, October 31, 2014

Good, Better, Budapest is the Best

I really like Budapest. If I was re planning my trip I would have skipped Vienna, even though I loved the market, and have added 2 more days to Budapest. I feel like I could have easily spent a week there. There was so much to do and see and we barely even got a taste. 
We got up and headed to the Szemögheyli or something like that caves. At the bus station I got a chocolate crossaint that was so delicious!   I can't even fully tell you about it because being stuck on a 7 hour bus right now with no food is torture. My saving grace jar of peanut butter was just finished. 
Back to caving. It was awesome. The tour was very short and rushed because the lady was trying to lead a Hungarian group and us and her going back and forth back and forth you could tell it was not her favorite thing. However, the caves were beautiful. There were covered in formations that looked like broccoli and cauliflower.
It was surreal. Thinking about being in caves. It's just nuts and so amazing the things we have here on Earth.
Some notes I took:
Cave made from limestone created from thermal water 
40 meters deep underground  
In one area there was not a tunnel and a woman got through this tiny tiny hole and the spot is named after her then they built tunnels 
Temperature is 12 degrees and the air is incredibly clean it's used for treating asthma and respitory problems.
Water is full of magnesium and calcium
More than 3000 caves here 
Budapest is full of incredible views. This is parliament. 
This is the view from the top of the Fishermans Bastion which looks like a giant sand castle on top of a hill. 
Neat looking right? Ok funny story: we go to sit on a bench right under this building and I move and an SD card falls between the slots. We don't know whose it is but there were two ladies taking pictures on the bench right before us so Mikele takes off in search of them. Seriously, if we ever lost our SD card we would cry so this was a frantic search. I see the ladies and she asks them but it's bit their card. So then she starts asking around to literally everyone and no one claims it. We put the card in our camera to see if there are any photos but there is only one of luggage. We also notice it's a Nikon so we start to look again. Then it clicks, that luggage looks familiar... Oh no. Seriously!? It was Paige's SD card! It had fallen out of the case when Mikele moved her bag. So the missing card that Mikele worked so hard to return... Belonged to us.
Another view from the top.
Then we walked down to the palace which was gorgeous.
And had even more beautiful views.
On our way down the hill Mikele played a street man's violin.
Then we went to lunch. It was disgusting. We tried to redeem lunch with cake which was more disgusting. 
Next up was climbing these stairs:
A lot of them. To the top of the Orthodx Church dome which you can walk 360 degrees around.
For more views.
Then another very hilarious moment in time happened.
We head back down to the church entrance and there is a sign and a donation box requestion 1 euro. Hannah and I don't have money so we decide to wait while Mikele and Paige go in. 
While standing there we notice many people who just walk by without reading the sign or paying, some read the sign and continue to walk anyway, others just follow those infront of them. Then we get an idea for a social experiment. We begin to count how many people go through without paying before someone pays. 30 people walked through and then one paid. Then the second part of the expirment hits my brain:
Seriously... This happen. That's Hannah sitting by the church mone box and that is a man paying. 
And a whole line of people paying. HAHAHAHAHA. So I saw the chair and said hannah go sit there and let's see what happens. She did. Every single person paid. When they couldn't find money and were going to leave hannah invited them in anyway. The best part she would sit there and when they paid she just have a head nod and continued to sit. At one point I lost it and started to laugh so bad in turn she started to laugh and apologize to the man trying to pay who then thought she was having a cough attack and gave her candy. In the end only 1 person entered without paying. Then we got caught. Had to out the chair back and the experiment was over. But we did talk to the cute old man church worker for a long time in funny broken English. 
After this we headed back to the hostel to check on Rosie... She had gotten pretty sick that day and was there sleeping. We took a little break and then got ready for our fun Halloween activity.
It's called 
These are the two I convinced to dress in all black and go as spy ninjas with me. Code name: pooshock, Black Bat and me the American Ninja. So basically they open that door and put us in and we have to get out in one hours time or we die. Okay not really them come get us but that would suck.
We even got a walkie talkie in case things got dangerous.

I think it just added to my outfit. So we enter and it's a dark maze. Along the maze and these numbers and shapes and we can't figure out how they are supposed to help us get the first padlock code. I mean really we are a prety smart group if people and I'm starting to get ticked because they are all over and it makes no sense. That's because we didn't need them yet lol. We just had to put our hands in a dark box and feel the first code. 
We got it. Then we had to use this like to fish the keys off a sleeping guard. 
We finally got into a room and only had 40 minutes left to unlock a door covered in locks!
That's tv counted down the time and sometimes gave us clues. There is a game on the iphone just like this and it was so fun. We had to like find batteries to put in the remote for the car and the. Drive he car to hit a switch which have us a key. There were codes hidden in old books. You had to line up drawers to see a puzzle. Pieces folded out of tables and it was awesome! So stressful and confusing but awesome! We ended up getting out with five minutes left but we did needs clues from the people on the other side of the walkie talkie.
I want to find a game like that in America! After this I got to eat yellow curry.... Thai food.... YUM! Sad it wasn't Hungarian but I did try that for lunch and it was gross and at this point it was late and everyone was tired. 

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