Saturday, October 25, 2014

Berlin or (Bus)t

15 hours on a bus they said. It won't be that bad they said. I knew better. So did Paige. For only $40 more American dollars we could have flown. Really. 
All. Night. Long. 10:15pm until 1pm but we forgot to take into account a time change which means we are on this bus an hour longer. 
Don't be fooled Into thinking I can watch movies or play on the internet. There are no screens on this bus. The internet doesn't work on this bus.
Shal we continue?
We are waiting outside on our platform, freezing, holding eachother for warmth in our 20 degree weather. Up comes a bus. Woah! It's a double decker they said. That's sweet, they said. 
While a double decker bus may look enticing and like a journey that is pretty sweet, you would be sorely mistaken. 
One time I got a cheap room on a cruise ship... It was at the top front of the ship. When we went against the currents and the drawers and doors started flying opens, the room tossed us to and fro I realized why it was cheap.
The bus. Is the same. We are in the very front on the very top and I swear it's like being in a fricken washing machine. 
One tried to sleep but has to wake up every 15 to reposition and move numb limbs. The head bob starts to bro one annoying and you plead for sleep. 
Finally we stop somewhere in Poland and people get off this bus this opening a free seat. That's like gold when you are squished. But it's already 8am and now my body thinks it's just time to wake up. My mind starts to freak.
Let's not forget that I also came down with another head cold sinus infection yesterday which has been amplified from the hellish Halloween party. So when I can finally sleep in my cramped position I then wake up from either too much snot or a clogged nose and suffocation. 
My poor neighbors. 
This isn't very fun. But in just a few more hours we will be in Berlin. Then on another bus again.
It could be worse. It could be a china train. Mikele has warned me. I'm sure there will be many posts to come. 
P.s. You will be proud to know I brought seeds and peanut butter. Protein.
P.p.s right before we got on this bus we had our Halloween party. 40 kids who don't understand very much English and 6 babies as well as another Lithuanian Halloween party going on in the same hall... Chaos. It was fun but it was chaos. 
And then we had to mad dash clean and run home to finish packing so we could get on this bus.
I painted that backdrop, mom would be proud lol. 

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