Sunday, October 26, 2014

The Berlin Wall

It always seems to take us a long time to find our hostel and this was the case with Berlin. As we stood there on the wrong corner I asked where our helper was. I mean seriously God has sent us a helped in every other country, :). Literally right after I said this a little old woman came up to offer to help us. She got out her magnifying glass and in hand signals we were able I understand we needed to walk down a certain street and look for U subway. 
 Thank goodness for our helpe. After a few subway and train rides we were able to located the place, drop off our belongings and then try to find the wall. Berlin was just a half day for us as it was a stopover on our way to Prague so we decided if we needed to see one thing in Berlin it was going to be the wall. 
So first we got on some more subways and headed to Charlie's Checkpoint. 
We posed with some fake Americans on the American side of the wall. Took some photos.
Then got back on the subway and headed to a larger section of the wall. This was all in quite a hurry because we were racing sunset. 

The wall was incredible to see. I need to do heather research because I will don't fully understand it but walking down the wall and imaging being back in time is mind boggling. What's even crazier is I was alive when the wall came down. 
From here we got back on a subway to go and find a building that Paige wanted to see. I actually have no idea what it is and will need to look it up but it sure did look beautiful at night. 
By this time is was dark and guess what we were starving. Go figure we broke our rule of not doing this to ourselves anymore. Now I did have pumpkin seeds in my purse but we had already eaten them. By this time I was HANGRY. HANGRY is not a good thing. Especially when you are tired. In desperation of these people who won't stop to eat I bought a .65 euro crossaint on the platform and engulfed that because according to my travel mates we were going to find some nichmarket something but who knows how long that would take. All I wanted to do was eat German food and on the food network they showed this awesome pasta stuff anyway I couldn't rember it's name but when in Germany you should eat German food. Except with my group it goes more like when in Norway eat Mcdonalds when in Finland eat KFC and so on. You know me and food and how much I love it and experiencing it from other countries? Yeah? Well then you know how frustrated  it makes me when we waste the one opportunity we have on blah especcccccially yuck that a vegetarian can't eat. It's so incredibly beyond frustrating. But part of a group is not always getting what you want. In America I love to research every place before I go to eat so maybe here I just need to do some more research before we go out and that would help solve the problem of everyone on a different budget who eats different things and has a different idea of what it is like to eat in another country. Okay so enough about that. I ended up eating boring vegetable soup but at least it was food. We decided we better pick up breakfast since we had to be up at 5am so we did just that. Problem... The hostel locked the kitchen! So my breakfast will for we stay in Berlin until it ends up in the dump. RIP yogurt and granola. 
Anyway, the wall was the reason we came and the wall was the highlight of this trip. It was awesome. 
P.s. Europe stop putting carbonation in your water. It's a very unpleasant surprise. And if for some reason you enjoy this disgusting combination please add a clear English label saying bubbles of death hide in this water so I don't unexpectedly spit it out all over the train station and then cause such a scene that my roommates bumps into me sending my banana flying across the floor and me standing there with just the peel. 

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