Saturday, October 18, 2014

The Grass is Greener...

Looking back. You know the saying the grass is greener on the other side? Well guess what I think this is so true. I'm finally on the other side and I want my old grass back. Seriously though, it's amazing how sometimes you need to be removed from your situation to realize how many blessings you have and how good you have it. Don't get me wrong I'm thankful for my surroundings and experiences everywhere I go but I've learned some more things while being in Lithuania.
Let's review them. 
(And let's be honest, as soon as I am home I will probably switch my thinking again but I will read this over and over to remind myself how good I have it)

1. I actually enjoy teaching, a lot 
Not teaching English but teaching in America, in my 5th grade classroom, with my coworkers. I miss it so much. The day to day is hard. Teaching is hard. Connecting with the kids is hard. It is a lot of work. Report cards are a pain in the butt. There are a lot of days when you want to cry. Parents can be mean. Kids can be mean. People can drive you crazy, but guess what? I miss it! I miss teaching! I miss my kids. I miss connecting with them and making them laugh. I miss dancing around my classroom and coming up with ideas. I miss skyping around the US. I miss planning flash mobs and watching my kids so happy.  I miss getting them excited. I miss the 5th grade activities and events. I miss going to conferences and learning about technology and what crazy thing I will implement next. I miss my team and how much fun we had together. I miss coming up with classroom theme ideas and decorating. I am excited to go back. The worst part though is I may not get to go back to 5th grade. I may not get to go back to my team and I may not even get to go back to my school. But, for now, let's not think about that. Let's think about how much I miss it!

2. While I thought I loved winter, I don't 
Okay now, don't jump the gun here. I still hate CA heat but I have met my match and that is European winter. I do not know which I dislike more. They both suck. I love CA fall. I have decided I love 60-70 degree weather. That is my perfect zone. I really love a straight 60. Boots, scarf, and a cute outfit that doesn't have to be covered up by a giant coat.
Today was 32 degrees. Do you know what that feels like? It's COLD. Bright red face. Snot dripping. Fingers and toes numb. Skin hurts. Can't feel the ears. Nothing helps. It is just cold. So cold. I need to dress warmer but I wasn't prepared. I swear it is colder here than any of the years I lived in Utah or any of the times I went to visit Sarah in Chicago. And guess what?! It is going to be in the 30's ALL week. Worse? IT'S ONLY OCTOBER. For the love of all things, I might come home as a popsicle. I brought all the wrong clothes and now I am suffering the consequence. Winter. You are not my favorite. From now on when I say I like winter, I mean CA winter.

3.  CA isn't as bad as I always say it is
 Maybe I realized that I actually like the weather. I can't decide though. The summers are soooo miserable. Even as I just wrote about my freezing body at home is in still in the 90's. I think I love California from October to June. If I could I would live there from October to June and then move away from July-September. But then again, I loved my beach house. Anyway I like California. I like our weather (beach weather, not SCV weather). I miss it. I think I finally realize that I do not hate it that much. I think I just thought I hated it. California isn't that bad. If you can take out the taxes, traffic, cost of living and the heat. Hahahahahahahaha. Most importantly my dogs are in CA and I miss them more than anything. More than cookie butter, more than warm weather, more than dove chocolate. I want to cuddle them and hold them and walk them. Yes, mom I just said that. I would walk them right now, I just want to see them!

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