Saturday, October 18, 2014

Spaniards & Salsa

Remember that one time we were on a bus... all. night. long. Well I do. I do not think I will ever forget. Especially since it happened twice. On the second journey from you know where Hannah started talking to this guy who was from Spain. Before long everyone is taking to him, his friend from France, his other friend from Greece, and we are having a world party on this night bus. The point of this is that they invited us to go dancing, and we did. Okay, so I didn't dance so much as move awkwardly to music I don't understand while laughing at how ridiculously I look but the others danced and the boys rocked it.
Okay onto the story.

Step 1: Get Ready.
Do you know how hard it is to get ready to go Salsa dancing in Lithuania when you have no clothes and no make up. Okay maybe that is a slight exaggeration but really all my cute clothes and make up I love are at home. We also only had 1 hour from leaving school to when we needed to leave and 3 people who needed to create outfits out of what we brought, what be bought, and what we salvaged from the thrift shop. One skirt turned tube, one borrowed shirt, borrowed jeans, thrift shop boots, and one wearing moms nylons and thrift outfit later we were dressed. Seriously though, I went to put on my nylons which were key to my entire outfit and realized I had brought my mothers and not mine. Huge mistake.
By the way, the we in this story is myself and my two "littles". They are deemed my littles because the are 18 and fresh from high school. This was going to be a whole new experience for them. But really, I have a decade on them and it is weird at times.
Okay to the story.

Step 2: Meet the Spaniards.
Get to bus stop. Hannah has forgotten the one paper with their bus stop and phone number. What to do the bus comes in two minutes. Luckily I had just added data to my phone so we were able to solve that blunder by re-looking it up. Yellow jackets invade. Thank goodness we had scanned our bus card. Finally see the platform. Get off the bus. Jairo is waiting for us. It is freezing. By freezing I mean 1 degree. Okay that is in Celsius but it is still cold! Their flat was awesome! It had huge vaulted ceilings, wood floors, and these giant doors. Literally though, it was beautiful. I especially liked this chandelier. And let us not forget about their hamster.

Step 3: Get to Greece
Not really but going to Greece would be awesome. Instead we went to meet the Greeks at their flat. Here some warm up dancing happen. We had to throw in a little America with the macarena and some country line dancing. Followed by a traditional Greek dance where we were all in a circle doing some crazy foot thing that got faster and faster.

Step 4: The Salsa Dance, or lack their of
Yeah. I was not born with rhythm. I have worse than two left feet. It's down right embarrassing  what happens when I get on the dance floor. It's even worse when a male, like the Spaniard, tried to help and lead. I can't follow. So in my attempts to not look like I was spazzing out I decided watching would be much better. So I watched the little and the Spaniards do all sorts of dancing. Those men can dance. Serious moves. I also don't like the dance scene bc of how hot it is! Don't worry I found a drift of cold air and followed it like a mouse to cheese. My new favorite spot of the night was smack dab in the middle of the floor by the air vent. 
Step 5: The journey home
Taxi. Home. 217 LITAS no. Freaking. Way. The past girls told us it would be 50 litas. So then I went to town on the taxi driver. I'm not sure that he understood a word I was saying but my Intonation and volume level said plenty. Problem is after a long debate and an agreed 50 litas. We only had 40 in cash bc we were planning up pay with card so I had to run home. Then realizing I didn't have a key. Ring the doorbell until my roommate woke up. Scavenge my purse to find I only have 2 euros and a handful of little litas. Run back. Hand the man a handful of change and run home again. 

What. A. Night. 

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