Sunday, October 19, 2014

An apple a day... Makes you fat

That link. The one right there. It's money. For reals. Let's talk about it.

You know my obsession with not wasting food which then turned into saving all the apples of Lithuania? That obsession has led to the discovery above.

Let's go back in time. It was a beautiful Thursday morning, actually it was freezing and all I wanted to do was stay in bed. However Rosie came over and convinced me that the apples I proclaimed were not ready were indeed needing to come off the tree right away or the frost would ruin them all. 
Fine. For the love of saving the apples I crawled out of bed put on some seriously attractive rain boots- why? It wasn't raining but the tree that naturally drops apples that no one in Lithuania bothers to care about also collects tons of moldy rotten apple smush under the tree which no one picks up apples. This I need boots so that rotten apple mush doesn't invade my feet. We walk to our tree and up Rosie goes. She begins to shake the tree violently as I dodge apples and try to spot each one in order to avoid grabbing a moldy one. Have you ever picked up an apple that your fingers can go trough? EW. Now since the apples were not ripe I had a bag full of small apples with stems attached and now I felt bad for ruining the tree. Whatever. We take them back and try a new method of boiling them and then pulling off the skins. That method stinks. Grabbing hot apples to pull of the skins is not fun and using a fork takes forever. Mush them. Add cinnamon. Taste. BAH! Have you ever wondered what a tree tastes like? Look no further just come and try our apple sauce. It was nasty! But we didn't want to waste so now it's time to make a concoction. This was like little kids making a mud pie but with real ingredients. A little sugar, a little vanilla, more cinnamon and to top it off pour the jar of apple jelly the cooks made us in. Much better. So much better!
Now what about the juice they boiled in? Vomit. This is like treex2. So another round of mud pie making this time with tea bags, sugar, honey, etc and etc. It was actually drinkable. In fact when Hannah came over we served it to her without any back story and she liked it. 

How does all of this relate to my link above? Well in our fridge we had apple sauce and we had this all natural nasty yogurt that was going bad so I started looking for recipes. And bam that one appeared.
I didn't have greek yogurt but I did have the container of nasty all natural no flavor added yogurt from the school as well as the tree flavored aple sauce. Good enough right?

I had low expectations. Mix, mix, add, pour in the cake pan since a bread pan doesn't exist and presto oven. I decide to take the risk of salmonella because the batter actually looked amazing- applesauce, yogurt, oats, sugar, come on now. Holy Hannah that batter is aoooo good! Maybe this bread cake has a chance. 
I start my ten minute timer since the over cooks unevenly I have to rotate this thing ever few minutes. Speaking of which you also have to add less flour here, a lot less. Remember the nasty flat burnt cookies- that's why. 

Okay the house starts to smell like heaven on earth. Literally I want to bottle it and pour it into a candle it smells so good. 

Finally this thing comes out of the over. First bit that adds blisters to the too of your mouth but still happens every time. Good! Now let it cool and sit... Amazing! This bread cake is soooo moist and so dense and so delicious! Seriously half a pan was gone in an hour and the whole thing was gone by 9am. There were chunks of apples in there and oats and yum! 

So naturally I made another one. I added more cinnamon this time, still cut the flour but also lessened the oil and added more applesauce. I mean really when you are making a cake for the second time in 24 hours we can at least try to cut the oil. And it is more like cake then bread.  I didn't even have the amazing look glaze stuff for the top but next time I want to make it with an oatmeal crumble... Oh yeah. 

Now it sits on my counter taunting me. 
I don't think it will last long. 
Update: we made it AGAIN

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