Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Animal abuse

There is one bing that infuriates me in. Regular basis. I have a hard time with this and controlling emotions because I want to cry and scream at the same time. We are talking about animals here people and most people know animals are my weakness. A big weakness. In fact one of the few things in my life that bring tears very easily. So take that and add a country with little regard for animal life and you have a very upset Jessica. 
On a daily basis, more like an hourly basis you see dogs roaming everywhere. Covered in open wounds, cuts, rumors, fleas, broken bones, limping and so think you can count every rib on their body. I have to hold my break every-time I see one near the road because cars don't stop. Put bluntly, it pisses me off. How is there a whole group who has such little regard for animal life. It's the most disgusting thing I have seen in regards to animals in any country I have ever been in. I just want to save all the puppies! 

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