Friday, June 13, 2014

LAX to Fiji

 LAX to Fiji
It's 11am. In exactly 12 hours I will board a plane, cross the international date line and travel 12 hours to Fiji. This is so surreal. All week people have been asking questions about Fiji and how I feel and honestly it was so hard to answer them because I still have not processed that I am leaving! I'm nervous and scared. I am sad and heartbroken. But I am excited and full of anticipation. There are so many emotions I am not sure which to process. But my bags are packed. 49 pounds of clothes and other necessities ready to go. I do not know what to expect or the adventures I will have but I am taking the leap and knowing it will be incredible. Here's to not letting fear hold you back! Here's to living life to the fullest! 

Arrived to the airport got through security pretty fast! Called and talked to Rick and then met up with Hayley who is on my flight and going to Fiji with HELP! So excited to know someone who is on this flight. Makes me feel at ease. Got to talk with Rick on FaceTime and say goodbye which was good and hard but luckily we got most of the har a stuff done on Sunday. Now I am on the plane. Aisle seat... Baby next to me. Trying to stay positive on this red eye flight. Please pray that some kind of sleep can come! Crossing fingers... Here we go...

The girl I sat next to is going on a HS service trip for three weeks. The flight was long but I was able to drift in and out of uncomfortable sleep for about five hours. I got to watch two movies so that's a plus thank goodness for these TVs. We are getting ready to land now and it's 6am my next flight leaves at 6:30.  I am going to miss it and am hoping they can get me on the next flight without any issues. Crossing fingers. Slightly nervous but I know in time I will make it to Suva! 
Ps it is 11 am on Saturday to me but it's 6am SUNDAY here.... I just lost a day off life! Talk about trippy! I am now a day ahead of all of you! Hope you enjoy your Saturday!

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