Wednesday, June 18, 2014

First day in the classroom

Tuesday. June 17. Happy birthday to me. Woke up at 3am wide awake so I got up and hung out in the quiet house. Will say after living alone it's a big adjustment to going back to a roommate atmosphere but luckily they are all so nice. So at 7am Hayley, Michael and I got on a bus into suva. Once there we could not find a bus to where we needed to go. Michael must have asked like ten buses and a bunch of people. Long story short when we finally got on the bus it drove right back to our house AHAHAHAHAHA. Then we finally made it to bishop school two hours later. I got to go Into a year two classroom aka second grade. There were 38 kids in there! It was crazy! Wooden desks and chaos but the kids were so cute!
They were having an English lesson and the teacher was telling me one of their biggest problems is trying to differentiate work because she has some kids who can full on write and others who can't even form letters... Seems they have the same problems as the US. Then I walked around and helped the kids. It was so funny I was telling them to put periods at the end of their sentences well apparently in Fiji they are called stops. Oh and you are not done with your work you are finished. Anyway then I got to grade it and have them read to me. Monday I go back to introduce their new theme which is food. I'm excited for that. 
While there they brought us some homemade food. They are so nice.
After this we went to Hilton special school and watched and helped Alyssa with PE class. 
Then headed to FENC where we do tutoring in the squatter village. This village is built from sheet metal and is incredibly poor. The kids are covered in sores and open wounds but they are ao happy and cute. 
Pulled out the phone to take a picture and was covered in kids. I also helped with reading and letter writing.
After this we went to a movie and saw how to train your dragon 2. The movie was so cute but the theater smelt like musty cleaner. 
That was one long day 3am-10pm but hey you only live once! 


  1. I'm exhausted, yet enthralled reading this. Your energy, knowledge, and joy will benefit these children in so many ways! Keep writing - I'll keep reading!

  2. Our challenges are so similar and yet so different half a world away. Spread the love! Excited to read about your experiences.
