Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Drug awareness day

Today in Nasouri is Drug Free Day. All this week schools have been decorating their schools, making banners, and having assemblies. Then they all came together at the park today with the ministry of education. They started by marching in with some drummers and holding large banners each school made. 

So all the schools were under these huge two tents because of course it was raining. Then different people spoke like the police chief and many schools had presentations. Our school Nuku did an awesome Fijian dance and sang three songs. They have beautifu singing voices and did an incredible job. When we were under the tent it was so cute the girls would clear a space on the tarp and clean it for us to sit on. Then when there were performances they would make sure the kids sat flat so we could see. They are always concious of us and treat us so well. I love the respect and unity the kids have here. I also love that all the kids wear uniforms and each school is a different color so kids are easily identifiable. I think in the US we need to up our drug free week. Ours is so lame compared to theirs. And how neat would it be to have a concluding assembly with all schools in the district coming together.

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