Friday, June 13, 2014

Paris, Day 5

Paris, Day 5
I would almost suggest that if you have never been first class and you will not be able to travel first class for the rest of your life that you do not do it. 
Let us continue.
Wake up. Get ready. Sister is missing. 8am supposed to leave. Sister comes back and starts to get ready. 8:40 leave. Plane leaves at 11:00. It is raining,  a lot. Walk to metro in rain. Get on. Get off. Get on again. Get off. Get on a train. Get off. Get on another train. Sister does not get on that train. Begin to panic. Panic. Panic. Sister appears. RUN. Run to check your bag. Nice lady helps. Calls gate tells them we are coming. Upgrades us to first class. Phew. Seriously though. 
Run. Run. Run. Tired. Run. Go through security. Need special search. Bounce up and down, sweating, looking even more suspicious. Names being called over the intercom. Run. Get on plane. 
First Class.
Nuff said.
Beverages, goodie bags, and the five course meal again. Hot nuts anyone? How about a sundae bar? New movies. Sleep. 
Off plane. 
Call Rick.
Text friends.
Update pictures.
Second plane.
No first class.
Longest 5.5 hours of my life.
Middle seat.
No sleep.
Get car.
Drive hour.
Best bed ever.

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