Friday, June 20, 2014

Fiji camping

So maybe we should start by defining the word camping because when I was asked if I wanted to go to the village and then spend the night for camping I was like sure thing. But what ensued was um words can't describe. There is no way for you to understand what we went through unless you were here. So let's go back to when we are all in the back of the truck. So we arrive in the village but it is 9:30 and pitch black. Hayley has to pee so we take care of that nature adventure and then the boys start pulling out the huge army tents and they tell us to wait. Well like an hour and a half go by and we wonder what is taking so long... Little did we know... Little did we know. We grab our bag and start to walk... Um hmmm oh to describe what we were walking through. It was a tiny thin path in the middle of the jungle with thick foliage and MUD. Oh the mud. Oh and ps we are in sandals. Go figure the Red Cross peeps are in knee high mud boots and then there is us and our sandals and the MUD.  I'm talking squishy thick mud that a times comes up mid calf And a little higher. Like you wLk and your shoe sticks like glue. So pitch black, no one said I bring flShlights lol, sandals, carrying our stuff in the mud. Well now we know why the boys were taking so long right. Okay so this is not. Short hike either and I'm leading. Why? I don't know your guess is as good as mine. Okay so then we have to start going downhill and thn through a creek. Sheesh! We are laughing the whole time and I'm dying. I'm actually surprised at how well I kept it together.  

When we finally get to our "camp" aka hug canvas army tent we run into the stream to bathe our mud bath off and take a pee. Oh and then I notice the rocks, no the boulders we have to sleep on. I'm talking fist size rocks and bigger. Hundreds of them. Isn't that nice. No one brought bedding. That's is where we are at now. It's midnight and we are sitting on the boulders... 

Well last nights sleep was a little rocky to say the least but after the hike and lack of food and water my body was able to sleep for about four hours. Then can wake up time. We walk out of the Tent and it was beautiful. The women were bathing in the steam and we went for a nature pee. Dude you know me. You know how much of an adventure this was but I think I kept a pretty darn good attitude. First time ever with no toliet or shower. So then it starts to rain of course because what would the trek back be without rain? Let's talk about what this trek was like. Seeing it in the daylight have whole new meaning to this. You know I can't even describe. Mud is the only word. So finally we make it out of the mud path and the village was in sight. We stopped at the most gorgeous stream lik crystal clear pure natural beauty.
 Then put on our sarong and went into the. Village. It was only 10 houses and everyone there was related. It was beautiful. However the dogs made me want to sob. They are ao sickly skinny it was heartbreaking. That's actually been uh harderes part of Fiji is the animals. Okay so after we did a quick walk of the village. Apparently it floods and destroyed the homes so we went to see what we can talk to the land ministry about up help. After about ten minutes we had to walk 3k out of the forest but hank goodness it was on a paved road. Now rmber all we have had is some cookies for dinner and breakfast crackers which are like thick saltines. Tunnel vision is starting. We are now on he bus. All that happen in 12 hours. What an experience. But hey my ugly strap sandals are broken in! 

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