Monday, June 23, 2014

Teaching at Bishop School

Today we went to Bishop school for my first set of lessons. When we walked in we were stunned my the massive amount of children... Turns out the other second grade teacher was sick so all the kids were in one classroom. We started by introducing the theme of food for the week and then did the peel banana song with the kids and the girls camp milk song. Too cute. Then Holly, Nikki, and I took half the kids to their classroom and taught them about good food choices for your heart and then turned that paper into heart oragami. The other room made oragami carrots. 
Then it was off to a fifth grade classroom.  There we did a lesson on drug free week and made the same oragami hearts. Next we had the kids divide into groups and wrote songs to teach about healthy living and saying no to drugs. The kids did an incredible job and were so creative. They also have beautiful singing voices. They sang to us a Fiji song before we left. It was a great day! I wish I could upload the videos but the internet here is sketchy and the program isn't providing internet so we have to pay for it all on our own and it's already cost me $200 to set it up so no videos until I am back in the states. 
I wish I had known to bring supplies. The kids have nothing. It is so hard to do lessons when they don't even have pencils. Hopefully I can write some supplies into my project proposal because the kids are desperate for them. 
Now for the negative. You can stop reading here if you want. 
In other events I have a rash all over my arms. Who knows maybe it's a combination of the bug spray, sweat and sunblock. Hopefully it goes away.
I finished my course of antibiotics but I'm still feeling pain. Please hope and pray that it heals fast. 
I am on carb overload. Seriously. All they feed us here is bread. Bread, oatmeal, pancakes, cereal, CARBS. Hey we have bananas. For someone who doesn't eat bread at home this is killer. Can't a girl get some yogurt!? Peanut butter? Oh... It's too expensive is what we were told. My one regret? Not bringing food! If anyone ever goes on one of these trips please bring food! It gets expensive fast and there are not a lot of options on what to eat, especially if you are vegetarian. Anyway here is to crossing fingers I don't gain ten pounds in bread fat and come home malnourished. I do not need a repeat of Ecuador. 
The food situation is also a little scary. In Ecuador we washed everything in a bleach bath and our dishes too. We don't have hot water here either so sanitation... They don't do any sanitation and my fingers are always crossed that I will have a strong stomach. 
Oh man I'm in my room and I hear tons of screaming... Giant cockroach. Hahaha all the girls are standing on he couch screaming. Yeah we have some cockroaches lol. 

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