Friday, June 20, 2014

In fifth grade

Today at St. Agnes school I got to work in a year five classroom. It was a great experience. They were reading Cinderella and then answering questions about it. I was able to walk around and help and assess that there is a significant vocabulary deficiency. Then the teacher had me correct the page with them. It was great beacuse I was able to show them a lot of strategies. They mostly just do call and answer so I showed them how to use they hairs to show the a b c d answers and then give thumbs up or down etc etc. 
Tonight we are on an adventure with the Red Cross. First we loaded I to a huge like army van you know the ones with an open back and they are covered in canvas flaps. So in goes all the gear and then a TON of volunteers pack in. The Fijians just laugh and laugh the whole ride which made it extra fun. Then they dropped off all the ladies to wait and the men went to pick up some tents. We are currently waiting at a bus stop for the men to return. This is going to be a serious adventure. Oh my goodness these women are so funny. I could listen to them forever. They have such personality. We are all sitting in the van while the men set up the huge army tents. They are very chivalrous here. I know that is spelt wrong but auto correct isn't working. Anyway here we sit 9:30 at night just hanging out in this truck. Everyone has like sleeping bags and gear and here we are in sandals. I am the only one who brought a pillow and he sheet I have. Everyone else just has their clothes. My first camping with no shower and no bathroom.... Sick.
Ps it is raining... A lot
Pps do not wear old navy flip flops on rain. I got my foot in one nasty mud slime today which then covered my legs and skirt. Beautiful. 

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