Friday, July 25, 2014

Aquarius: Solo Night 1

Okay so obviously I survived the bus. Although there were two close calls. 1. We tried to pass between three cars. A bus was coming at us full speed. There was no room for us but we had to move over. Needless to say the person next to is did not enjoy the fact that we were sharing their lane. Two lane road. Three  cars wide. Yikes. 
2. Cow. Yup, a cow decided to cross the highway. 
Let's continue. The bus stops and leaves me. Not sure why. Everyone else stayed on but whatever. As I stood there on the side of the road alone I started to freak. Why did I travel on my own? Why did I not stay in the comfort of the little yellow house with the girls? But in life we gave our challenge and sometimes we have to be uncomfortable. Okay so I finally found a taxi and got to Aquarius. 
Cute place. Right on the beach. Checked in to a six person dorm that was full but no one was there. Now what? Walk on the beach. 
Great idea. I walked up and down the beach gazing at the hundreds of shells that littered the beach. 
Found a few treasures including that spikey thing. Well at this point I was feeling a bit awkward. I decided to sit in the hammock and watch the sunset. Seems easy enough right? Wrong. I notice the hammock is all tied together by strings but I'm going to get in it by golly. Well I go to sit and seriously this hammock is so tight. I realize the problem right away and try to frantically keep myself from spilling out which results into me flipping into this hammock like a fish out of water. It was so awkward. But I made it. Then I hear good job I totally thought you were going to eat it. I have no idea who is talking to me and am to freaked of falling out of the thing by trying to turn around and see. I respond to my stranger and we have a quick conversation. Later the stranger walks by and says oh I'm glad you are back I thought you were going to miss it. 

Referring to the sunset. 
Anyway then he says something about being American and we get to talking. His name is luke and of course the first thing that comes out of my mouth is oh that's my dogs name. Not sure that was the best way to greet this stranger. Oh wells. Turns out he spends his summers in LA and teaches biology in Jersey. He is here on a volunteer thing and just arrived in the morning. Anyway he takes me to meet his group. There are three Germans, a teacher from England, a volunteer from Australia and us. It was so fun! We shared our travel adventures then went to dinner together and watched island dancers and fire dancers.
Then we ended up on he edge of the pool learning a dance ourselves and a cat decided to try my dinner. What an adventure. Turns out James was my bunk mate. He slept above me and def asked me if it was okay that his chonies were all over the bed rails. Lol. 
So night one = success!
This morning I woke up and got on the big bus to the port that houses the yasawa flyer ship. Anyway it was me and one other lady. We got to talking and she is from the Netherlands and teaches first grade. She was on the boat with me but only had a thirty minute journey whereas mine is three hours. So now I am here. On the boat. 
Once again nervous to be alone but excited for what is in store. 

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