Sunday, July 20, 2014

Fifth Grade In Fiji

Fifth grade in Fiji has been my saving grace. I feel so at home with them. I'm able to walk in and use all my strategies from home and they fly with it. Speaking of flying today I walked in and their kites were hanging from the ceiling. Too cute. This week we learned about influenza. It was my last time with them and I'm not going to lie it was sad. I very much enjoyed that class and would have loved to work with them everyday!
It was also my last day with my second graders. They learned about Picasso today and made abstract art.
These classes have taught me to be thankful for classroom management and the training I have. 
Goodbye to little Margaret. Probably one of three names I actually could understand. 
And goodbye to my other second graders. Today it was nice we were there because their teacher did not come. 
Their artwork is so cute! We brought pencils today just to use for the lesson and it was crazy. The kids went nuts they were so excited. You woulda thought we were handing out pizza! 
What an adventure this has been! I am glad to know that kaisa and Ashley will continue lessons with these cuties and heather will take my beloved fifth graders. 
Mode {mo- they} Bishop!

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