Monday, July 7, 2014

L i c e .... SAY WHAT

Dude... Lice. So let's talk. I will always remember the first time I saw lice in the classroom. Always. It was the first time I was traumatized since being in the classroom. Then you make the mistake to google search lice and it makes it one thousand times worse. Ok a million. 
Since then I've seen lice in the classroom quite often yet I still get the psychological itch for a week straight. I still use the nit comb to double check and I still keep lice shampoo under my sink. 
Now let's get one thing straight. I've never had lice. I've never had to use the shampoo or go through that living nightmare. 
Now back to our story. 
I remember waking up to a conversation about finding a bug in someone's hair and thinking oh no here comes the lice but they were certain it was just one bug. I thought otherwise, and I was correct. Upon returning from our weekend getaway thus aforementioned girl found another one and this time I saw it first hand and was positive. We discretely pulled the country director to the side to explain the situation and then called a house meeting. All the while I am secretly freaking but outwardly holding it together for the team. ;) you see of course being the teacher I had the most experience with the little buggers. Okay so they I begin head checks. Let's be frank people. When I checked the infected I almost died. It was the worst case I have ever seen but again not wanting to freak everyone out I acted non chalantly. I did have to tell someone though so I called a select girl into the bathroom and let it all out. The. We started to talk about treatment. Oh the good news only one had lice. Talk about a miracle. Okay back to the story again. How do you kill lice? Well poison shampoo and a nit comb except it's late at night and nothing is open. Hot water and a dryer on clothes and sheets... Except we don't have hot water and a dryer. Therefore, let another girl research on internet and that turns into the poor infected wearing a pound of canola oil and a jar of mouthwash all wrapped in Saran Wrap on her head. People this was quite the sight. Now lucky for me I had class first thing in the morning so I did not have to work on the delice adventure they embarked on. Phew. But I heard it was pretty intense. Now we continue our week with day head checks. Here's to hoping we don't get reinfested...

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