Friday, July 4, 2014

Mana Island Day 3

Woke up early this morning and everyone else was still asleep. Needless to say the wooden bars that penetrate my back all night coped with my bum leg do not make for good sleep. What is the positive? I decided to go make the dogs breakfast. They were very happy. Although Brownie boy doesn't like plum jam much. ;) he did enjoy wheatabix cereal and milk though. Bahahahahaha!  Then we went to find another beach. Well folks wen you get to the fork in the road you go right not left. When you go left you will end up at the dump. Fun. Trash, trash and more trash. P u 
When to go right you end up here.
It is so pretty! Today is super warm and not windy. It's gorgeous! Just relaxing and reading on the beach was so incredible. We tried to go swimming but the current was so strong! It was actually kind of scary! Sarah and I got stuck in it and no matter how hard I swam I could not move forward. The worst part was being stuck over the sea grass which we know I won't put my feet down to touch. Major creepy. Ew. 
Then after lunch we went back to out private beach area to hang out and relax some more. I walked up and down the beach trying to find that one perfect shell. Still no luck folks but I have high hopes I will locate it!  This has been such a nice relaxing day in paradise.
We are laying in bed listening to the school children sing. The school is right next to our dorm and they sing every morning and evening. It is the cutest thing ever. They have the most amazing voices. I think that is a requirement to be a Fijian. 
P.s. My leg still hurts but not as much as my heart! Longest week ever in that regards. Fingers crossed that it gets easier. 
Dude! Tonight we got to see some Fijian dancers, a knife throwing show and a fire show. The fire dancing was amazing. 
They did some pretty talented tricks!
You will have to trust me the pictures are stinky. It was a great way to end our night! So sad to be leaving tomorrow but so happy we got this adventure. Way too much fun. 

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