Thursday, July 3, 2014

Mana Island

Today we are on Mana Island. Of course the house went through the weekly scenario of making plans and then the 800 mind changes. We know how much I like to have things planned and set way ahead of time so this has been hard but I guess I am learning to be more spontaneous. Hey anyone want to come to Fiji and go to Robinson Crusoe Island and the Yasawa caves with me? I'm probably going to have to do it alone so pleae volunteer yourself now! 
Okay let is redirect. Okay so I am on Mana island. We found a backpackers resort which had a 2 day for $260 but a 3 day for $280 special. So naturally three days sounds like a better deal. By the way people this is with food and boat trips and it's in Fiji dollars so that's only $140! Now do you want to come visit and go traveling with me please?
Ok so we wake up this morning at 3:30 AM and get picked up by a mini bus. A mini bus is not a bus, it's not a mini van either in fact it makes a minivan look like a friggin Jaguar. So luckily there were only 5 ppl in it... I have been told that once the girls traveled with 19 in this thing! 
Ok so three hours and some change later we arrive in Nadi and are dropped off at McDonalds where we see... Other white people! Hahaha okay then back into a new minibus and then a boat for a 45 minute trip to Mana. ps the trip was like being put in a washing machine on spin fast cycle but I did not puke!
We are on the island and it is beautiful but it's weird because our hut thing is in a village. Like you walk through the village past the school so our place. Anyway oh! I go to pay for this place and my credit card is declined! Ummmm thank goodness he other girls have cash. So I text kayla to text mom to call the credit card place. Well mom has to text Kayla to text me then I text kayla to text mom all while mom is on he phone pretending to be me stuck in Fiji. Turns out that my credit card was hacked and has a 7k charge on it from Paris! Okay so now I have no money! I only had my credit card this weekend and now... Nothing. Ah! Do you know how helpless that feels!? 
Okay so it is windy and cloudy right now but we went on this hike over the mountain to the other side and the dogs followed us the whole time.
And when we got to the other side we saw:
Amazing! This picture is crap. I wish you could see it in real life! Beach clear ware and shells all over. Pieces of gorgeous coral on the shore. So lovely! On the way back I ate it. 
My leg hurts so bad. The bruises are already starting. Oh and the dogs stayed at the beach with us and then walked back to the village with us. Us this weekend =Kelli holly and Sarah
Ok so I'm sad I won't be able to dive since I don't have any money! Hopefully the sun comes out tomorrow! Oh! Sarah and I were walking through the village I the resort lounge and by lounge I mean covered patio anyway the dogs start following us again and this kid like runs at the dog so the dog jumps on him and bites his butt. Not like skin or anything but this Fijian man comes running over and acreaming at the dogs. The dogs run away and he man yells at us saying no dogs are allowed over here. I turned to him and said excuse me those are not our dogs we just got to this island this morning. He says they were following you! I almost died of laughter. Silly man. What a goof. 
After dinner we had a kava ceremony. My first time. I was so excited and antsy until I realized that they take a big bowl and pour powder in it which then makes brown water which they proceed to mix with their dirty hands. Then one person drinks from the coconut shell and they pass it around the group thus mixing more nasty into the bowl. Finally te cup comes to you and you are supposed to drink the bowl of caca that tastes like novacane. I don't know how to spell that but you know when you go to the dentist and you get numbed and sometimes hi haste tha stuff yeah... Try drinking a whole bowl so that your tongue goes numb. Did it once. Never again. Ew
What is really cool is that in this hostel there are people from Chloe, Australia, England, Ireland, America, new zeland, and on and on. It is so neat! 

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