Friday, July 18, 2014

For the Love of HOT Water

Oh the simple joys of life. Hot water. I had almost, almost forgotten what it felt like, almost. So let's talk about it. You know what it feels like, you get to experience it every morning. Bless your soul. I however have not had hot water in 5 weeks. Five weeks. Hey I would settle for warm. Even room temperature. Nope. Cold. I mean COLD water. The girls have dubbed our shower experience the Hokey Pokey. We put one arm in we put one arm out and we scream all about. The waters so cold that we shake it all about. Anyway. It's cold people. So today... Hot water. I'm talking on fire HOT! Hot! Ok at first it was a drizzle so small and running down the wall you should have seen me smash myself against the wall to feel that water. I'm sure it was quite the site. Sight? Hmmm. Okay though this was legit. I think we were in the shower for twenty minutes. Let's specify by we I mean holly and heather and myself but in separate showers. It was heaven. I'm going to go take another one. Seriously. Heaven. Never will I ever take for grantid hot water. 
So to celebrate we all took selfies. Yes!

Let's back up now. We are at tsulu resort in Arts Village. It's beautiful, like everything here.
While we walked around and explored we snuck into the places we were not allowed to be. While trying to be sneaky we totally got caught by two Fijians who are fire walkers. So we switched to flirt mode and they took us on the tour! A private one just us and we got to see the temple and hut of the chief. 

It was really pretty to walk around. We also got to see the tiki man pool which was one of the biggest things I was excited for. Come on this guy spews water out of his nose and you can sit under it. Hello Tikki man nose boogers.
My life right now rocks!
Oh and we got the whole room to ourselves! It's the best hostel we have stayed  in! 
And next week is my last week with HELP! How did the time go so fast! I'm terrified to go home because that means facing the scale... Tears. But it's okay we will get this under control again... Even though I only have 12 days before I leave again... 

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