Monday, July 7, 2014

The Power of a Book

I  remember when in the states I read a post from one of the girls here that mentioned bringing books to FENC. I grabbed a few children's books and put them in my suitcase. Boy am I glad I did. Fenc is a program here that we work with. We go with them into squatters villages and tutor children from K-high school. Anyway today I brought the books I brought with me and Hayley brought her books to FENC. The kids were so excited. They only have this small box of books and most are chapter books that are way over their heads. Most of the kids no matter the age are reading at a first grade level so chapter books are nothing to them. The few books they had that were not chapter books they have seen countless times. Can you imagine not being exposed to books? Or being able to read? Being here makes me sad at people in America and how much we take for granted. It's really disgusting actually. I know it is in our nature and I am way guilty of it. Always wanting new clothes, not happy with the 40+ pairs of shoes I have... Yet these kids literally have nothing. Their clothes are falling apart. They don't have shoes or their shoes are too big or too small. They are covered in sores and have not showered in who knows how long. Their clothes are washed in buckets. They live in a house made from nailed together sheet metal. Inside the house in nothing. As we drive on the streets and you look in the open door and by door I mean sheet tied to the side or sometimes a piece of wood- anyway when you look inside they are just sitting on the floor of the house. Sometimes there is a mat, sometimes. The level of filth and poverty is so sad. 40% live below the poverty line. 
Please remember how much you have. Think twice next time you complain about  food or clothing. Give more to the needy. Take time to help a child. Be grateful you can read and write. Most importantly give thanks in everything. 

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