Thursday, July 24, 2014

The Dreaded Mini Bus

Since my arrival in Suva I have heard about the dreaded mini bus. The girls talk about the horrid experiences they have had on them: being felt up, 19 people squished in a 12 person van, loud music, rough rides, speeding, and on and on. So the very first time I got on one at 3:45am to go to Nadi I was a bit hesitant. However we each ended up with our own row of seats and a really nice driver. We were able to sleep and relax the whole way there and it cut off an hour of it's trip. My subsequent mini bus experiences have been equally pleasant, faster, and quite enjoyable even when most seats were taken. Until now...
Let's talk about now shal we?
It's my last day with HELP and I spent the morning debating how I was going to solo travel to Nadi. Option 1: take the big bus. This option has set scheduled times, your luggage goes under the bus and you are guaranteed a seat. It takes about 4 hours. It stops only at the bus station. Option 2: the mini bus. These go whenever they are full throughout the day. Your luggage goes in the back and they only take 3 hours. I might be able to stop at my hotel.
Back and forth back and forth. Taxi driver take me to the minibus station... These could end up being my last words.
Regret is all I feel now. Well actually let's look at it from the positive. I finally have had a real Fijian minibus experience. Ok it's only been 5 minutes but by the end of this, if I survive I will be able up say I rode like a Fijian in a mini bus.
So let's talk about my curent situation shall we?
I arrive to the stop and ask to go to Nadi and tell them where my hotel is. They don't know where that is. We finally figure out the name of the area and they say they will drop me at the top of the hill. Okay fine. I'll figure out what that means when I get there.
How much?
Okay great. $2 less that what I was planning to spend.
Set my stuff down. That seat is taken. Okay sir where would you like me to sit? He points. I sit. No problem. Were doing okay now. Not that bad. 
They close the back.y luggage is still outside. Oh great. Man climbs on roof. Oh double great. My luggage goes on roof. I really hope they know how to tie things down bc if I loose my one carry on things could get interesting. I'll be okay without it all but if they lose my bag and my drum goes missing. All hell is going to break lose. 
So now I'm in the van. My bag is on top. Secured? Hmm. Not sure. 
Still not that bad. 
Until he comes back and tells me I need to move to the front. 
Okay maybe the front won't be too bad.
Shall we discuss my current situation? Yes ,we should. 
A man got to take my seat. Go figure the driver would rather have me squished in the front instead of three Fijian men. So I currently sit. Front seat of a bench row. One Fijian driver to my right. One Fijian civilian to my left. One squished American in the middle. The dashboard is about 6 inches from me. My legs are squished to my chest and shins shoved against the controls. Right where I had those bruises and now a healing scar. The sticks gift is right up against my thigh which is awkward everytime he needs to shift. The music system is under my knees which is even more awkward everytime he needs to adjust the music. My purse and backpack are ontop of me. My head is touching the roof. Both windows are down and my growing out bangs are going the crazy dance all over my face. At least I have the best view right? Wrong. My head is so high that I stare direct into the rear view mirror and the ceiling. I've got a great view of the car light and visors though, every single questionable stain looking right at me. Now the van rocks back and forth and makes sharp turns. When we turn I use every ounce of abs and leg muscles to hold myself in this position as to not fall completely onto one of the afore mentioned Fijian men. Oh and there is def not a middle seat belt. One accident and I'm going right through the front window. Then again I'm sitting so high in this car that I would probay busy out the roof. 
So this is how the next three hours will go. Will my luggage make it? Will I? 
Stay tuned. 

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