Monday, July 21, 2014


This is crazy to think I have two days left with HELP International. I still have a week in Fiji though but man time went by fast! 6 weeks flew by. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about what I've learned and what I can take away from this experience. I've also been reflecting on my time here and the readjustments to roommates, messes, and a whole new culture. It's been a ride full of twists, turns and pot holes but it's been an incredible adventure. In two weeks I will post a full review but for now let's look at the basics. 
I am so grateful for so many things! We get so caught up in our own lives and troubles that many times we fail to see th beauty and blessings that surround us. When I first got here I was so overwhelmed by my worries for my relationship that stress was flooding me. What gave me peace was this gorgeous place I was in. Where else can you walk down your street and see rainforest and ocean in the distance. Blue skies with white clouds and green as far as your eye can see. It's beautiful here.
Then things got worse when my relationship ended which is still unbelievably hard but these kids are incredible for a morale boost. They bring such pure childhood joy and pass it onto me. Their smiles shine so bright and their love for us as strangers is never ceasing. They ask when we will be back and follow us around to whenever we go. They are so precious. They have taught me to be happier in general and to find the good and little things in life. 
Okay refocus. What I have learned is that even admits trials and troubles we need to try and see the positive to not get engulfed by small or large things. Especially when I see the trials these people are facing. This is not to diminish anyone's trials but man perspective is key. I'm grateful to realign my perspective. 
As six people left this week we started donation boxes for the families of FENC. This is the really poor squatters village where the kids literally have nothing. So Holly and I were in our room going through our outfits and it made me laugh because we were hesitant to give away some of our clothes that we favored. Let's throw this down people. I literally have hundreds of items of clothing at home. It's unbelievably ridiculous how much I have and so when Holly and I were sorting clothes we laughed at eachother bc here we were donating all our stuff to a good cause but at times we had to remind eachother - it's for the children. They have nothing. They need it more than you do. It's funny to me how humans feel the need to hold onto things. Anyway I ended up giving away everything except the bare necessities I will need for my week long travels. I came with some huge luggage and am leaving with just a carry on and it feels great! I wish I had known to bring more though :( I think of how much I truely have to give and that is one lesson I will be taking home with me.
I am grateful for the culture of Fiji. Everyone greets one another on the street with a happy Bula! People stop and help you find your way. There have been many times when a friendly Fijian has saved us from being majorly lost. The people here are happy and so full of smiles. I am grateful for the slower pace of life and that they enjoy things. I love that their culture embraces God and religion and that in schools they pray and openly talk about God. I love that things are relaxed and not so anal. Kids are actually allowed to play when there are puddles on the playground. They can  walk three steps without being supervised. A teacher can leave and go to the bathroom without fear of a kid getting hurt and them getting sued. I love that freedom. I love that he kids work hard to clean the classrooms and that they brush their teeth on the playground and spit over the edge of the mountain. I love that there are not ten thousand rules governing school. I love that the kids who buy lunch eat on real plates and that the lunch comes from the village. It's amazing.
Love is what it comes down too. I have learned to love life. I have learned to love children more. I have learned to love how blessed I have been. I have learned to love more deeply. 
Thank you Fiji!

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