Sunday, July 20, 2014

Art village weekend

Friday after volunteering Heather, Holly, and I headed to the bus station for a weekend getaway. We got on an express bus to Pavific Harbor completely decked out with neon lighting and bumpin music. We made darn sure the bus driver knew we needed to get off at arts village and that we had no idea where arts village was so we would need him to personally escort us off. And... He did exactly that. After an hour he came back and told us we had arrived and stopped the bus for us. Arts village was so pretty. Our hotel was covered by Lilly pads. Of which I don't think I had seen them before. 
Okay in the water post I told you a little about what we did Friday. So Saturday we woke up and went to the Tikki man. Did I mention there was a water slide. Of which I rammed my head into. Apparently it is built for child size so adults need to duck their heads. Further those of is bigger in nature need to do the scoot to get down the slide. 
Beacuse everyone sees a gain nose and wants to climb in it right?
After this adventure we found a bug.
Heather touched that giant evil horned devil. 
Then it was off to the beach. Heather had never ever been to a beach before! We enjoyed the sun and took some goodbye pictures since a large group is leaving tomorrow.
Then this happen
I'm on a horse... Ya! Okay maybe you should go watch the funny ax body wash commerical then you will re read that with. His voice. 
By the way it is very hard to type on this phone which is why there are ao many errors. 
Ok not yet. I still have two weeks but the last week I will be on my own and have no one to take this rad photo. 
Another great and adventurous weekend complete.
And for those who wonder about the sharks. It didn't happen and I am okay with that. I don't think I like sharks much anyway. 

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